Joanne Matthews

Doreen Lehavi

The tools you taught made me feel confident in my ability to write. You worked some sort of magic because I have very little resistance to writing now, I use the tools and it is easy for me to write regularly.


Thank you so much, Tamara!

Shauntay Williams

Resistance reframe

You know you need to write a book... but you're resistant. Learn why resistance is GOLD + how to harness it for success. 

Skills for writing

How do you actually do it? What's involved? Find out + set yourself up for a writing life.

Mindset upgrade

My quick + easy book system

Community of writers

So you can get out of your own way

Lean in to your resistance to do your best work

Write prolifically, without self-censorship.


  • You're burning to write your book, but just haven't started + don't know why

  • You're sick of staying stuck, and are willing to use the tools + do the work to get unstuck + writing

  • You're aware of the necessity for, and respect, having good boundaries

  • You know how to take responsibility for your own processes, and know how to get yourself support when you need it (ie: this group is not your therapy)

  • You can see that writing a book is going to take more than just 30 days, and that you'll need to be ok to be in the 'messy middle' of the project for a while


  • You want to smash out a book in 30 days come hell or high water, regardless of the consequences for the quality of your book, or your sanity – or that of those around you

  • You're attached to staying stuck, living the life of the 'tortured artist'

30-day money back guarantee

What's included in your membership?

6 x week Book.Write.Now Course (Value: $297)

A Facebook mastermind group (Value: $what value do you put on community?)


Will all the calls be recorded?

How long will I have access?

Do you provide scholarships?

What time are the calls? 

Can I have a payment plan?

Calls aren't in my timezone, can you change those?

Tamara Protassow P/L